Chocolate with... Beer

Chocolate with... Beer

An evening of Chocolate with…Beer

An interesting pairing! When we mention this to our customers the response is often "Chocolate with Beer???" Co-hosted by Kyle Weaver, we will pair 4 artisan chocolate with 4 craft beers and you will be surprised and delighted with these flavour combinations!

Event is limited to 12 guests

Guests must be 19+ years old 

Join us!

ON: Next date TBC!

FROM: 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

AT: JoJo CoCo, 499 Terry Fox Dr, Kanata

Tickets need to be purchased in advance


$45 plus HST

Available for purchase at the store or by phone at 613-435-7722

There are no refunds or exchanges on ticket purchases